...have a passion for Track and Field and the Olympics that borders on the obsessive at times
...was adopted on my oldest sister's 6th birthday (March 20/67) and still feel like we share a special friendship
...never wear a jean jacket with jeans, cuz I don't like the denim-on-top-of-denim look
...can't stand smoke in bars (or in any public places, actually)
...can sometimes go to great lengths to save money (I have been known to get absolutely giddy by saving a dollar), which means I can splurge when it comes to something that's really important to me (like living in an apartment that has the right location, location, location)
...have had some of my best bar experiences during Sunday T-Dances at The Timberline Bar in Seattle with Suzie and Blossom
...have a real problem with people who complain about their situation and yet don't do anything to improve it, and am not afraid to tell them to either deal with it or stop whining to me about it
...am tired of traveling alone : (
...have found that cooking has had much more appeal since I implemented my new rule: If I'm cooking, I'm cocktailing!
...sometimes have to kick myself when I find that I'm focusing on the negative instead of the positive, which is more my style
...know now more than ever how much my friends mean to me
...once cheered for a friend who was running a half marathon by holding up a sign that said, “JILL, YOU SCARE ME!”
...have sweaty feet, and would wear sandals or thongs all year round if I could
...love my Mom's tomato soup cake and have been known to devour an entire cake in one sitting
...have completed two triathlons, both a sprint distance (600m/20km/5km) and an Olympic distance (1.5km/40km/10km)
...can touch my tongue to my nose
...believe that Tom Ford will be my husband someday
...am uncle to 3 beautiful kids
...have a problem with people who are completely clueless about the things that are going on around them -- like when someone holds up a line of 20 people boarding a plane behind them while they struggle to stuff their too-big luggage in the overhead bin
...didn't came out of the closet until I was 30
...(knock on wood) never get sick
...broke my arm at 5 years of age while playing horsey with my Dad
...like clothes way too much, but hate wearing labels and never, ever do
...have more grey hair below my neck than above my neck, but none of it on my back
...have tried online dating, and didn't feel like I was meeting too many keepers
...need to improve my posture, or else I'll be totally stooped by the time I'm 50
...am not typically one to sleep in
...wear way more blue (cuz it brings out my eyes) and black (just cuz I like it) than probably all other colours combined
...have fueled my passion by traveling around the world to attend track meets
...tend to be true to myself and my beliefs by saying what's on my mind and not hiding my feelings; sometimes I get into a bit of trouble for it (both at work and in my personal life), but at the same time people often tell me that that they appreciate and admire me for it
...don't really have any toys like electronic goods, expensive sports or play equipment, or a nice car
...have fallen asleep in a bar before (Skid Row at the old Garf's, for those of you who know Whistler)
...think I'm probably more like my sister J. that we both know, and am happy that I've had the chance to discover that over the past while
...sometimes feel like I'’m a big ol' square in the gay community because I don'’t do any drugs, but I'd rather be a big ol' square than be like so many of the people I've seen who have literally fallen down one too many times
...didn't understand the allure of sending text messages on a mobile phone until I moved to Australia, where I learned to love it
...have a tattoo of a Canadian maple leaf, which I love
...used to love watching The Life Network before I moved to Australia
...tend not to settle and, instead, usually try to seek out the people and situations that allow me to be truly fulfilled
...am a total shower/car singer, and sometimes fantasize about being discovered by some record-producing neighbour who hears me through an open window and decides to sign me to a multi-record deal on the spot : )
...have a party trick that usually gets me free drinks and plenty of attention
...tend to eat too much and too quickly
...try to accept responsibility for the things I say and do, and get frustrated with people who aren't similarly accountable
...love it when a man can woo me with writing that is free of spelling and grammatical errors, even if he has no clue at all that he's wooing me in that manner
...see the best example of an amazing partner-relationship in my parents' approaching-50-year marriage
...have never been a gym bunny
...did drag for the first time in my life as a surprise for my friend Chan's 40th birthday -- and I performed a fabulous number in a stunning rubber latex-inspired dominatrix ensemble
...think that my brother is a great Dad
...(except when my Mom used to make me eat it when I was a kid) never ate tuna until I started loving sushi
...dislike 98% of all the pictures that have ever been taken of me as an adult
...enjoy improved quality of life since I had laser eye surgery
...sometimes think I'd like to grow my hair longer, but don't have the patience to withstand a painful "growing out" period
...love Strawberry-flavoured twizzlers and (even more) Cherry-flavoured nibs
...am the only person I know who made it through university without drinking coffee (and I still don'’t drink it to this day)
...often struggle being a single man in his late-30's, believing I have a lot to offer to the right guy (even if he's not Tom Ford), and yet feeling like it just ain't gonna happen for me
...have an uncanny ability to remember dates, both significant (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) and totally irrelevant (like "Gosh, 2 years ago today I was doing insert trivial activity here...")
...tend to equate particular songs with specific times of my life, like the song I always equate with my coming out in March/97: Step by Step by Whitney Houston
...have become the man I am today because I've been so positively influenced and supported by my parents, who I think have probably the best parenting skills in the world
...have made a really successful effort in the past few years to simplify my life
...won 3 medals in Track and Field at the 2002 Gay Games in Sydney and several medals in international (well, North American) gay volleyball tournaments
...have a super-duper sweet tooth
...think I'm pretty down to earth and grounded, with a good grasp of what's important to my life and why
...and believe my Dad is the smartest person I've ever known
conceived, scrawled, heavily edited, carefully reconsidered, left for a while to digest, edited once more, and then ultimately posted by: just call me jeff at
8:06 p.m.
i so feel you on being tired of traveling alone ... i've seen much of the US and am ready to see those out of the way places in Europe ... but definitely don't wanna do it alone!
High Tea at the Empress Hotel (Victoria, BC - January/2003).
In this picture, I'm wearing my favourite blue lambswool sweater, which (three years later, in the throes of absent-mindedness) I accidentally threw into the washing machine -- thereby shrinking it to doll-sized proportions.
breaking news!
some sage advice
You are now entering a zone liberally sprinkled with sarcasm. A kind, gentle place where I sometimes apply artistic liberty while spewing questionable content, useless factoids, and ridiculous ramblings.
name: just call me jeff my proud heritage: I'm from a beautiful nation created by God and known by one and all around this earth as Canada my birthplace: Edmonton my hometown: Ottawa my home: most definitely the one and only Vancouver
life is large. why insist on living small? live large, expand into the space, realize your potential, follow your dreams. or live small, feel safe, pass up opportunity, wonder "what if," and wake up in 5 years with regrets.
I know that I'm extremely lucky to have choices available to me, because not everyone does. I try not to take that privilege for granted and am gonna do my best to live, love and laugh my way through this existence.
i so feel you on being tired of traveling alone ... i've seen much of the US and am ready to see those out of the way places in Europe ... but definitely don't wanna do it alone!
Anonymous, at 10:52 a.m.
whoops ... that last comment was by :
Anonymous, at 10:53 a.m.
Just dropped by to say hi. :)
Jase, at 9:49 a.m.
Glad you could make it, Jase. I'm an extremely hospitable host, so I hope you enjoyed your visit.
just call me jeff, at 3:51 a.m.
Jeff, I'm so proud of you...running away with the circus! I'd love to see you topless and in tights! I miss you and you continue to inspire me.
Anonymous, at 2:40 p.m.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 1:04 p.m.
What is your party trick? I need a good one, especially if it'll get me free drinks.
Kevin, at 12:39 p.m.
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