Good grief, am I ready?
Getting launched in this whole freakin' world of blogging is enough to induce night sweats. I read a couple of verrry funny blogs today and I'm not so sure I'm up to the task, but who the hell am I to accept judgment by anyone other than myself anyway? So let's roll.
To clarify, my philosophy is: "life is large. why insist on living small?" The whole concept behind this is that I need to at least feel that I'm striving in some small way to achieve my life's potential -- or a miniscule fraction thereof. There's so much life to live, why would I limit myself by closing doors and living in a less-than-how-I-want way? Well, that's the philosophy anyway...
Just to clarify another thing: petty is OK. I'm allowed to be petty -- within reason, of course. My buddy Lorna knows just how petty I can be, seeing as how we have often compared petty notes in the past. In fact, we've displayed our pettiness as a badge of honour on occasion. No, no, it's OK, really!! We did it in a constructive, sharing, healing way :) Damn, how I miss that McGeek girl!
OK, so we've established that petty is cool. I just can't live small, cuz that's not allowed. Come to think of it, though, if I allow petty, then I have to allow cynicism. Oh ya, cynicism definitely has to be allowed -- encouraged, in fact. Duh, that's a total no-brainer, seeing how cynicism forms the basis for my entire humour belief system. OK, so cynicism is all good. Just as long as it's BIG cynicism. Nothing small about it.
But if I'm drafting an "allowed" list, I guess I need to add "slightly out of the realm of what could be considered normal" to the list. Let's call this the Protected List, and just add to it at will and as I see fit. Why the hell not?! The only one making the rules is me, after all. (Editor's note: the only one making the rules is me, and the only one who will ever actually read this drivel is me. I think it's advisable to just take a chill pill and relax.)
Good, so "slightly out of the realm....." (aka "a bit weird") is now considered acceptable behavour. I'm all over that! Just no "small," damnit. Must avoid the whole "small living" syndrome.
OK, is that it? Get real -- that's just a start. But let's just leave it at this: I'll be happy if I just live my life as if I'm realizing at least some of my potential. And maybe I'm not realizing my potential by doing this, but The Panel is about to start. Don't wanna miss it!
Whew, your first blog. I bet your glad that's over. It is stressful the first couple of times you post. But you know what ? It's your blog & just blog away. Who cares who stumbles upon it such as myself. Just blog your heart away. I do. I love mine. But,I get this feeling all the time like am I so self absorbed that I actually think anyone would want to read this crap ? Then I answer myself & I say yes....Because,they do. It's like a interactive diary of sort. Good Luck & Good Blogging !
Kristi, at 10:36 p.m.
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