Another one bites the dust
The end of another city, the end of another Tear Down. And this one was an even bigger challenge than any of the other ones I've been involved in.
Thanks to an amazing team effort, things went well and we finished ahead of target -- at 2:15 AM. So instead of an 18-hour day yesterday, I worked a relatively easy 17:45. I"ve said it before and I'll say it again: thank goodness I'm paid hourly and am entitled to overtime compensation!
Had a looooooong shower when I got home, and finally made it to bed at 3:00. So why, then, am I up and writing at 7AM? Stupid ringing phone! Damn, there goes any chance of a good sleep-in.
But at least Tear Down is done and the circus run in San Diego is now a memory. Did I mention that I beat my budget by a whopping 47%? I rock.
Bring on Long Beach, where we're expecting some heavy hitters at our Premiere Party!!
Enjoy the move to long beach. damn but I envy you your job.
dantallion, at 7:29 a.m.
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