life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Nobody kicks Barbra off the stage

So there we were, each of us working away in different areas in my tent today. I was putting things together and climbing ladders and organizing someone to do some painting and coordinating with the caterer and moving fridges and laying power cables and setting up projectors. Nebraska Girl was making our exclusive Boutique all pretty -- putting merchandise on shelves, grouping colours together, dressing mannequin busts, and finding homes for all of the little trinkets we upsell at point of sale.

I was thinking, "How nice that I get to listen to my iPod during Set Up for a change." During other Set Ups, it was always Nurse Girl's iPod that determined our choice of music. But not this time! This time, it was mine.

So I was thinking how great it is to listen to my eclectic lame selection of music and how much I was enjoying the moment, when Nebraska Girl suddenly couldn't hold it in any longer.

Haven't you got any Broadway?! Your type always has Broadway! I need some Broadway! Surely you've got some show tunes! You wouldn't be you if you didn't have show tunes!

Well, if that ain't a dig at my choice in music, I'm not sure what is. Good thing I love Nebraska Girl so much, cuz nobody slams my music, damnit! If she wasn't so freakin' great to work with and hang around with, I might have been insulted. Luckily, Nebraska Girl is da bomb.

And just as luckily, I had an ace up my sleeve. I happened to download Suzie's copy of the Barbra disc Back to Broadway when I was home in January, and now I know why. I put it on for Nebraska Girl and her frustration and angst seemed to immediately disappear.

And just then, I realized that I should have instead put on the Rent soundtrack. But by then, Barbra was in control of the VIP lounge. And nobody kicks Barbra off the stage until she's ready to leave, thank you very much.


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