OK, things are looking a bit gloomy after last night's Canucks game. After blowing a 2-0 lead, and being a hair away from tying the series at two games apiece, our heroes lost in overtime. It ain't lookin' so good, trailing three games to one now. Still, those pesky cowboys trailed the first-round series 3-1 and managed to come back to force Game 7.
Fingers crossed that we take the next three and eke out the series!!
And now, despite the gloom surrounding the Canucks, and the gloom that hangs over our fair city today, I thought it would be appropriate to brighten things up with some pics of the gorgeous sunset I witnessed from my balcony the other night.
Read 'em and weep, kids! While I live in a freakin' expensive city (at $1.25/litre, it cost me a jaw-dropping $61 to fill my gas tank yesterday!!!!), if I get to see sunsets like this every night once in a while -- can you blame me?!
Of course, these pictures don't even do it justice. You'll just have to imagine that it looked a thousand times better!
you would appreciate this.... after having a delicious meal in barcelona, and still jet lagged out my ying yang btw... i get a bill. on it a greek salad, garlic bread and a cocacola light (diet coke). how much was the diet coke you ask??? 6 #%!!@ euros, $9! Won't let that happen again! At that price it has to be a drug no?
Anonymous, at 2:45 a.m.
6 freakin' Euros for a Diet Coke?! Oh dear, good thing I'm starting to wean myself off the stuff before I have to endure that kind of pricing!!!! Hang in there, Tower Girl -- and I hope the jetlag leaves you soon!!
just call me jeff, at 7:56 a.m.
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