Fuzzy Duck
Malaysia was fun. We went to Sea Gypsy Resort on Pulau Sibu, and it was great. Too bad it was only for a couple of days, but it was worth it just to get out of the Singapore sauna and onto a beach for some relaxation. I read my Olympic fact book for hours, played beach volleyball, snorkelled, got a terribly sunburnt back as a result, enjoyed several Heinekens, played some drinking games ("Fuzzy Duck!", "Does he?"), and napped up a storm.
My sis is in town for a couple more days, but it's Sunday that I'm really looking forward to. I head to Bali and 6 days of chilling. Well, probably more like cooking on the beach.
Hope everyone out there is doing well.
What a wonderful invention it is, this thing we call the Internet!
Anonymous, at 4:35 p.m.
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