life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


She's a real beauty, mate!

  • It has 15 inches. Me: not quite.
  • It is lightweight. I'm more of a heavyweight.
  • It has an ultra-slim 'n sleek profile. I'm getting fat not as fit as I used to be.
  • It can burn CD's and DVD's. I can burn rice.
  • It has all sorts of features that are, as-of-yet, mysterious and unknown. I am simple and easy-to-read (ya, right).
  • It is shiny and new. Me: don't go there.
  • It has no scratches or visible marks. I've got scars that could tell stories.
  • It was built for satisfaction. And in that way, we're incredibly similar.

As of today, it's all mine. Happy Birthday to me!


  • I should get advice from you. I'm looking to replace my 5 year old laptop. Nice present to yourself! Have a wonderful birthday! Oh, and thanks for putting up the link to my org's web site!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 a.m.  

  • P: while I wish I was well-placed to give advice, I honestly sought a lot of outside help from others. In the end, I decided to venture outside of my safety zone and try the Mac. As I'm finding first-hand, there's a learning curve, but so far it's pretty cool. It's so pretty : ) Ask my opinion again in 3 months and that might be a better indication of whether moving to Mac might be good for you, too.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. I'll talk to you soon about where we can meet up in 2006!!

    By Blogger just call me jeff, at 7:14 p.m.  

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