48 square metres more
So much happened today! Er, yesterday. Um, today. Oh crap, officially it happened yesterday because it's already waaaay past midnight. But this is basically the end of one honkin' loooong day, so let's just call it today, shall we?
The important thing is that I go to Thailand tomorrow. Er, today. Fuck it -- this is what happened over the past 16 hours or so.
- In the entrance tent of my lounge, I hung 48 square metres of red stretchy silk fabric that I inherited from our Artistic team, and it looks incredible
- I moved the bright red silk organza that I had hung in that same entrance tent yesterday to a couple of different places around the lounge, just to experiment and check out the effects of varying lighting
- I worked 15 hours, thereby logging enough hours that I can reduce by one the number of vacation days I'm taking during my trip to Thailand (instead of 7 vacation days, I'll only be subtracting 6 from my allotment because of my extra long day today)
- I invited a few of my favourite circus freaks to a quiet gathering of drinks for my birthday when I get back from Thailand
- I confirmed with Luscious Lorna that I'd like to be signed up for St. Anthony's Triathlon at the end of April
- I got an e-mail from Tuna, a volleyball friend from Vancouver who I completely, totally unexpectedly ran into last Friday night at a bar here in Hong Kong
- I ate 18 leftover chocolates in the lounge
A great day all-around. But the last item on the list may have been the best of them all. I'm not kidding when I say I ate 18 of the little suckers. They were good!
Off to Thailand tomorrow. But first, sleep. I worked 'til 3AM, and it's shortly past 4AM now. I'm still wired (must be the chocolate), but I'll try to go to sleep so I'm daisy fresh for my flight to Bangkok tomorrow. Totally wishful thinking.
Registration has been confirmed for the St. Anthony's Triathlon. Yay us! We're going to have a blast. You really must make this work with your schedule. If you think it won't work we need to transfer your registration to 2007 by March 30th. They're pretty adamant about the non-transferrability since you need to bring ID to pick up the race packet.
Unknown, at 7:23 a.m.
You can practice your ocean swimming in Thailand!
Unknown, at 7:23 a.m.
Luscious: I'm excited and terrified at the same time! At least it will force me to get off my fat ass and get into gear. A goal -- yay!
just call me jeff, at 6:23 p.m.
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