Monday, Monday
Can't trust that day
So another Monday rolls around, and what do I have to show for it? How about:
- A Friday night spent having a drink with friends, followed by a great tapas dinner to celebrate the birthday of one of said friends.
- A whole lot of time -- all weekend, in fact -- spent with my guy.
- Fantastic skiing Saturday in paradise. Sunny, cloudless, perfect day with abundant snow. Oops, forgotten sunscreen = red face!
- Games night on Saturday night with friends of my guy. It was interesting saying farewell at evening's end, because his friends shyly said to me things like, "Hey Jeff, it was nice to meet you. Hopefully we'll see you again sometime...." Well, I'm definitely planning on seeing 'em again sometime, cuz I ain't expecting this thing with my guy to be a temporary thing!
- An awesome brunch with Muffin and Little Bub on Sunday afternoon. Muffin really outdid herself with an amazing menu of waffles, fresh fruit, delicious whipped cream, savoury peppers and home fries, scones and cream, and champers. Dee-lish!
- Cocktails and the Junos with Suzie and my guy on Sunday night. My gal Nelly cleaned up, with 5 awards!
Stellar weekend! Only 3 days to go until I go away for Easter!!
Hey Jeff,
Heard an update about you over the weekend, so thought I'd catch up a bit on your blog. I love that early infatuation phase of a relationship - fun to hear about yours. We were at Whistler on the weekend too, but didn't time it quite as well as you did, since we drove up on Saturday and skied Sunday. Found some great snow, though! (As well as some good patches of ice.)
I should've known you were dating someone when you posted the tulip pictures...
Anonymous, at 8:58 p.m.
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