Ten years ago today, I came out to my cousin and finally started the process of accepting, and loving, myself as a gay man.
It's been a liberating decade, one with triumph and joy, hardship and heartache. Still, it's been a great journey.
It's a good thing that the importance is in the journey, and not the destination. Cuz I'm still not sure what the destination is...
Hey Jeff,
I've just got caught up a bit on your blog. Enjoy this time that you have off - you're absolutely right that the journey is more important than the destination. I have been working hard and have itchy feet again, but feeling a bit tired about traveling on my own again. Therefore, have not planned anything...maybe a ski trip to Whistler/Blackcomb? I hear you're having an epic year! Would you come out and play with me? Or go on a trip with me? I miss you. Take care. Love, P-
Anonymous, at 10:51 a.m.
i want to send you tin...the anniversary gift for ten years!!! yay to you, your journey and to your continued search for a destination. i aspire to be as brave and happy as you everyday. miss you heaps and expect we'll visit before the end of the year. i see beach in our future, love cookie xx
Anonymous, at 7:18 p.m.
P and Cookie: two of the best gals in my life! I'll play with either of you any time -- or even together : )
P, let's chat about getting together sometime in the next little while (I have a free flight anywhere in North America to use before the end of July). You're welcome to come West whenever you'd like.
Cookie, thanks for your well wishes. I can always be convinced to be a beach-goer, cuz you know I'd love to hang out with you any time at all.
just call me jeff, at 8:02 p.m.
10 years?! Crazy how time has passed. Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey! xo muffin
Anonymous, at 8:20 a.m.
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