Battin' and throwin' and runnin'
I did it. Honouring a vow I made over two years ago, I joined the community slo-pitch league. It could be interesting, given my only previous experience playing one game in the Sydney league, where I not-so-expertly demonstrated my batting and throwing abilities. While my running is just fine, my attempts to bat and throw were atrocious, to be honest.
Still, it's all about opportunities for growth and change, ain't it?? And my friend Sindee promised to help me figure out how I can make my battin' and throwin' more man-like : )
Look at you out there joining things! Mary would be so proud. And I mean that in the my Mum Mary way, not the Tina Turner way.
Unknown, at 7:59 p.m.
Luscious!!! You know, I always think of Mary when I join something new. Unbeknownst to her, she has been a huge influence on my behavioural patterns over these past several years. "Join things," I would say to myself. "Mary says you need to join things...."
And thank you for clarifying which Mary you were referring to. There could have been some doubt in the minds of my readers : )
just call me jeff, at 9:32 p.m.
Adam will be out west March 30-April 9. I'm sure we could arrange a private training session (me being his agent!). He's been playing baseball half his life, so he's got tons of experience to draw on. Of course he is only 6...
Anonymous, at 7:02 a.m.
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