Well, it's hardly Melrose
This just in: you can now buy the soundtrack to The OC!
Remember when Ten was first advertising The OC a few months ago? I believe we were treated to teasers that went something like this:
"From the network that brought you 90210, Melrose Place, Dawson's Creek and Buffy. The show that critics regard as groundbreaking television. The most talked-about show in America comes home to where it belongs -- Ten."
Now I freely admit that I watched both Melrose and 90210, but -- puh-leeze!! -- only as the cornerstone excuse for Monday nights spent with friends drinking Long Island Iced Teas and playing the 90210 drinking game! Comparing any show -- much less drivel like The OC -- to these two Aaron Spelling epics is like saying, "Here's yet another mediocre show featuring unrelentingly gorgeous actors playing characters an average of 10 years younger than their age, in an unhealthy representation of high school learning disabilities, sexual dalliance, teen angst, obligatory drug dependency, rampant plastic surgery and the odd teacher-student affair. Let's package this schlock with B-grade actors and push it on overseas viewers as the gospel according to desperate network executives."
Jeepers, why can't Ten executives be truthful and say, "We realize that we're grasping at straws here, but our overpaid American counterparts sold us this crap and they tell us it'll work here cuz it's all about beautiful people in completely unrealistic living situations. We just hope they're right and that you -- the Australian viewing public -- are dim enough to think that this represents typical American life. Please watch and help us beat 7 and 9!"
I suppose they've somehow gotta pay for extra hairpieces for good ol' Bert Newton, bless his campy little soul. Anyways, enough evangelizing for today. I must get ready to watch (ironically) an American TV show : )
I'm not a bad man. I'm just a lame-ass weak. What do you expect?! They're finally down to the last few episodes of Friends here, and I've followed those damn characters for 10 freakin' years -- even through the unfunny seasons. I'm not abandoning them so close to the end!
Oh, and don't forget The OC is on Ten Tuesdays at 8:30. I know, I know, it conflicts with the soon-to-be-must-see-TV Dancing With The Stars, but that's what VCRs are for. Just don't tell my sister's niece Felicity that I watch The OC. She would totally rake me over the coals for it...
In defence of the O.C.
I'm not sure if you've been treated to the new season yet but let me just say that I may be inspired to hire a gardener if they all look like that. Too bad that wooden Marissa is getting his action.
I know your disappointed that that the calibre of 90210 and Melrose has not been met but beggars can't be choosers. If this is what it takes to see some early 20's men with nice biceps I'll just sit back and enjoy my LIIT and drool a little bit. As compared with the more recent contributions to the genre; 'Dawson's Creek 'and it's vain attempt to over-intellectualize the musings of 17 year olds or 'Life as We Know It' which I couldn't even sit through an entire episode of with it's rampant over/under acting of the cast, I think that the O.C. is fulfilling a void in the TV schedule since the cancellation of Party of Five.
At least it doesn't pretend to be something that it's not and I think that it holds fantastic potential for a drinking game of it's own. Let me provide you with a few preliminary rules to get you started:
1. Whenever Seth Cohen picks up and plays with that toy horse. 1 Drink
2. Whenever Sandy Cohen (aka Big Brows) refers to Ryan (aka my boyfriend in that dream I had last night) as 'my boy'. 1 Drink
3. Whenever Caleb is indicted. 1 Drink
4. Whenever the square footage of clothing that Marissa's mother, Julie, is wearing is less that of Marissa. 1 drink
Now kids, make up a few of your own.
Unknown, at 6:32 a.m.
Good ol' Party of Five: god rest its poor overacted and pretentious soul. If I had to hear Neve (more like Never) Campbell utter even one more line preceded by her trademark dramatic sigh/uber-exhale, I may have heaved a heel through the screen. Critics say Cher acts with her hair; well, I say Never acts with her diaphragm. Still, the theme song rocked!
I have to admit that I'm devastated to hear that Marisa (as wooden and void of personality as she is) is hittin' the gardener and I'm not. He just hasn't seen all my moves yet! As for some more OC Drinking Game rules, now we're really talking! Not being nearly as familiar with the program as you, I can merely offer these for your consideration, oh Mighty Drinking Games Guru:
* Every time Ryan delivers a line after his trademark pregnant-pause-with-meaningful-look: 3 drinks
* Every time Ryan flashes his puppy-dog-eyed look: 2 drinks
* Every time Ryan makes reference to his wrong-side-of-the-tracks upbringing: 4 drinks
* Every time Ryan rescues someone in need: 6 drinks
* Every time Seth mentions comics: finish off the bottle
* If Sandy ever plucks his brows: hit the local pub and go on a bender
That should make for an interesting evening next Tuesday night! Expect drunken phone calls at some point, Lorna : )
just call me jeff, at 2:07 p.m.
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