"I need someone to leave me a note explaining the whole "Santa" thing"
As we drove home from a Christmas Eve Party yesterday, one of my nieces suddenly became a bit panicky about the extent of her upcoming Christmas haul. Suddenly realizing that she may not have been nice the entire year, she blurted out, "I need someone to leave me a note explaining the whole "Santa" thing." I sometimes wonder whether she's really 6 or 26.
Clearly she was worried that her recent behaviour (which sometimes straddles the naughty-nice border) might limit her booty, and she needed some clarification on what she's allowed to get away with. Before going to bed, she got my sister to write a very specific note to the Big Guy:
Dear Santa,
Can you please tell me the rules regarding being naughty and nice.
Thank you very much and Merry Christmas
Santa responded by writing: "I think you know these already"
The Fat Fella made his visit without incident, and my niece made out just fine in the pressie department. Now I suspect her conscience will take a break until next December 24, when the panic guilt reappears. It could be a long 12 months for her mother and father...
Merry Christmas! Hope you have a joyous celebration with your family and friends!
Anonymous, at 11:10 a.m.
Thank you for your wishes, Mr/Ms Anonymous. We did indeed have a fantastic Christmas. The Fat Fella in red found us just fine, and we managed to endure the day despite the 34C temperatures outside. Thank God for air conditioning!
Hope your holiday was just as great!
just call me jeff, at 3:16 a.m.
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