Dream a little dream of...me cockroaches
The past 3 nights, I've been awakend by dreams (which is very unusual).
- Last night I dreamed that I was pregnant and very near delivering.
- The previous night, I dreamed about cockroaches.
- The night before that, I dreamed that I was totally excommunicated by one of my best friends, Michelle.
Dream experts: your analysis, please.
I'm greatful for pain killers and injections that help me sleep.
Now lets work this one out. What have you been eating before you sleep? too much chocolate perhaps!! pregnant ouch! I've been told giving birth is like crapping a watermelon. 'cock'roaches hmmmm... and your friend, no idea.
and if you are pregnant, who's the father?
Greg, at 9:37 p.m.
Just had a thought.....(thinking doesn't always come easy).....is it the Diet Coke!! or lack of...
Greg, at 10:07 p.m.
For the first and only time in my adult life, I can honestly say that my mind was not in the gutter when I was dreaming of cockroaches. Hmmm, is that a getting-older-and-losing-my-sex-drive kind o' thing?
I sometimes pine away for sleeping pills and injections, but then realize that there must be some reason that sees me wake up on average 7 times a night. Not sure what that reason would be.....so maybe it's time for those special pills that my mother always seems to have in her medicine cabinet.
Hope ya sleep well tonight, Sexy Rexy.
just call me jeff, at 3:43 a.m.
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