life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Monday, December 06, 2004

I'm in love!

Mom? Dad? I'm in love.

With blogging.

We're fairly close to setting the date, actually. It's probably the healthiest relationship I've ever been in and, although it's quite new, when you just know it's right.....well, why wait? And I have to let you in on a secret: it's soooo much better than being in love with a man. Consider:

  • If I don't write for a couple of days, my blog doesn't complain that I'm not paying it enough attention.
  • When I'm drunk and silly, my blog will still want me around. In fact, my blog and I get along best when I'm like that.
  • My blog lets me play with other blogs. In fact, as many as I want.
  • I can always win an argument with my blog. Well, usually. OK, barely ever. But.....I'm learning to be more assertive. Baby steps.
  • My blog gives me validation (a huge thank you to a fellow blogger who literally made my day week year with his thoughtful comment) instead of my constantly asking to be thrown a freakin' bone.
  • I'll always be attractive to my blog. Until I grow hair on my back, at which point I wouldn't even want to be with me.
  • My blog isn't a momma's boy. (But be quiet: my blog is a bit sensitive to the fact that he doesn't have a mother at all. Shhhh)
  • I don't cop any flack from my blog (yet).
  • My blog won't complain that my hands are cold.

Expect to receive your wedding invitation before too long. Strike that, we'll just have a small civic ceremony -- but expect notification of our gift registry in the mail very soon! We're registered at Pottery Barn (for me), The Republic (again, for me), Radio Shack (for the blog), and Ben and Jerry's (for both of us).

I'm sure we're going to be very happy together.


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