Sometimes it's more like "blahhhging" the guys says, "That's not a monkey. That's my mechanic!"
OK, it was a bad joke anyway. But I do have this game that I play with Luscious Lorna called I Can Make You Laugh in X Words. The premise: try to get the other person to crack up by reminding them of an embarrassing episode in the requisite number of words. Great game to play with friends with whom you share a history! Even better if you play while doing some power drinking -- cuz that usually leads to episodes that can be revisited in future games of ICMYLIXW. I know, I know, I'm good aren't I? Well, it's not like I'm a rookie at this stuff or anything!
Seeing as how I just gave Lorna the address to my blog, I challenge her! "Lorna, I can make you laugh in 5 words."
Ready? (1) vodka (2) cranberry (3) condo (4) stairs (5) everywhere!
I know you're laughing, so I win! Damn, those Parties with the Pope were always good for a few laughs, hey?
And speaking of embarrassing....I have these pictures to share with all my loyal readers (all 2 of you now). Problem: I can't download them from my camera. You'll have to wait, but -- boy oh boy -- will it ever be worth the wait! You thought I was cute as a boy? Well, sit yourself down, pour yourself a big ol' cocktail, and prepare to be dazzled by a vixen named Tess Tickle.
I swear, as soon as my technical difficulties are addressed, you'll be the lucky few invited to share in my first-ever drag experience. The lovely Tess Tickle's virgin performance was quite a sight to behold. Just be patient. And make sure you have a cocktail ready -- Tess is best viewed through beer goggles.
Oh dear, I think I'm blahhhging now. Forgive me. Carry on with whatever you were doing.
You have more than 2 that regularly read " life is large. why insist on living small? "
I enjoy every word you write.....
Greg, at 11:16 p.m.
hmmm, Tess is the first? How about the precursor to Tess. Allow me to demonstrate via ICMYLIXW where X = 5
Salvation Army Negligee Morgan Fairchild
Are you laughing? I know I am. hmm, if photos are going to posted I must get the ones from that night scanned in. I'm sure your other 2 loyal readers will be anxious to see what I'm talking about.
'Luscious' Lorna
Unknown, at 6:12 a.m.
This is the problem with letting your friends see your blog. Damn you and your memory for detail, Lorna! But kudos for making my laugh after doing my ab exercises. (Ab exercises, you say? I know, I know, but that's an entirely different blog topic.)
Now, in defense of myself, I admit that there's nothing quite like parading around in a pair of lacy underwear and a pink sheer negligee at a party, but I still consider Tess to be my true drag debut. Let's just say that my true inner performer came out the night that Tess Tickle hit the stage. She's a star, an icon, she's the newest rage in cross-dressing homosexual entertainment for, ahem, deviants. Photographic evidence will support my claims, I tell you! Doubters, be damned!
As for your Morgan Fairchild reference: I'm devastated. I was going for something way classier. Like Donna Mills without her "The Eyes Have It" instructional technique for eye makeup. She da bomb!
just call me jeff, at 2:32 p.m.
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