I'm no contortionist
I just spent the past hour and twenty minutes on the phone with this company interviewing for a job.
- Not as a contortionist.
- Not as a clown.
- Not as a bearded lady.
- Not as a lion tamer.
- Not as a human cannonball.
- Not as a cute little Chinese girl who does the spinning-top-on-a-rope thingy.
But for a different position. While I know and understand your preoccupation with various positions, it might not be one that you'd expect.
But stay tuned: I'll keep you posted.
Why yes, actually. I did interview for the position of incredible hunk of man-meat who can actually support his own bodyweight with his enormous biceps.
As if! I can barely do more than a couple of pull-ups, much less slowly lower myself down to centre stage wearing nothing more than a modified diaper and a holy-shit-what-am-I-doing smile pasted on my face.
Sorry to disappoint, Jason. But thanks for thinking of me in that context!! I feel all shirtless and sexy now.
just call me jeff, at 3:59 p.m.
Hmmmm headquartered in Montreal....do I see relocation as part of the deal?
dantallion, at 7:10 p.m.
Hey Dan: actually, no. I've applied for positions with a couple of the touring shows, so I would be leaving Sydney but not for Montreal. One option would see me touring North America with a brand new show, while another alternative could see me spreading my particular brand of joy around Asia-Pacific with an established show.
Not sure if it will come to fruition, but we'll see. Thanks for your interest : )
just call me jeff, at 3:54 a.m.
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