life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


This is a very quick on-the-run-in-the-airport post, as I wait for my flight from Singers to Honkers.

It's been an interesting 36 hours in Singapore. In a few descriptive words, I'd describe it as: lush, steamy, and manicured. It's been 31C and humid which means, of course, that my underwear got soaked yesterday after walking around the shopping precinct in the sauna-like conditions. But a quick change and I was back to my normal slightly less cranky self.

Singapore isn't exactly as I was prepared -- which is just fine, thanks -- and I'm really looking forward to coming back with the other circus freaks in about 7 weeks' time.


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