It's about the passion and not the paycheque
This love affair that I seem to have with my company is sounding more and more like a broken record...but what the hell. Deal with it, or just stop reading : )
It's a sure sign that you're not in this for the money when you actually have no idea that you've been paid. For real! You walk into your groovy marquise-cum-office, see a pay stub on your desk, and realize it was payday a few days ago. And then you marvel to yourself, "They actually give me money to do this?! Damn!"
It's pretty unbelievable. And I love the fact that I'm back to where money isn't my prime motivator. I had gotten to a point a couple of years ago where the lack of a salary equitable to that of my colleagues had become a big-time de-motivator. Happily, I'm back where I want to be: in it for the passion and not the paycheque.
How does one land a job as a circus freak? I am SOOOO jealous.
epicurist, at 11:31 a.m.
Ahhhh, you too can become a circus freak. Do what I did: check the website and see what's on offer. You might be surprised!
just call me jeff, at 5:06 p.m.
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