life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Birthday cakes and
opera singers and raincoats? Oh my!

I had a meeting with our HR representative, who was in town from Montreal today. What could I tell her except that I'm still really happy with my new job. Boring, but true.

For instance, I love the fact that the kitchen staff bake a cake for everyone's birthday, and everyone on-site congregates to sing happy birthday and pig out. In fact, if the birthday guy or gal is in my department, everyone on the team pitches in $10 and we get a really well-thought-out present. Not a bad way to generate goodwill and a feeling of family among team members, eh?! Can't wait until December when it's my turn to reap the birthday rewards : )

My colleague Mother had his big day today, and someone organized something pretty unique. Mother is a big opera fan, so they hired an opera singer to come into the kitchen and sing Happy Birthday while he was presented with his cake. And then she sang a request from Carmen (an opera with which I'm intimately familiar!), and it was just stellar. Super duper cool! What a unique present for Mother, and what a way to think outside the box for whoever thunk it up.

Had to buy a new raincoat today, because I just know it's gonna start falling soon. Not today: beautiful, sunny, 20C. But soon that damn rain is gonna start pelting us, and I'm ready for it. Oh ya, did I mention that the company covers the cost of a good raincoat?! Yup, I'll be getting reimbursed.

Fucking. Loving. This. Company!


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