I woke up this morning, full of vigor and anticipation. I had worked very late last night to get all a reasonable amount of my work done so that I could leave for my vacation with a relatively clear conscience.
Then I grabbed a newspaper at breakfast and my mood changed immediately. There was another bombing in Bali last night, three years ago to the month after Bali was rocked by the blast(s) that took so many Aussie lives, in addition to the lives of so many others.
I don't have a lot of information about this latest bomb blast (very deliberately, by the way), but I do know that it happened fairly close to where I'm heading in just a few hours. Other than that, I'm pretty much in the dark.
I tried to get hold of my airline to see if I would still be flying, but to no avail. So I got my butt to the airport -- what else could I do -- and, lo and behold, my flight is still leaving and everything appears normal. Ya, like that word even applies anymore.
I'm a bit scared what things may be like when I get there, but there's only one way to tell. Here I go. I do have a feeling, however, that it's not just going to be a carefree holiday. God bless the victims.
American Politics are Killing Progress
Major issues are being ignored, as a conflicted public bickers. Those of us who have not grown completely apathetic to our republic's politics, spar about war in Iraq, our government's response to natural ...
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Anonymous, at 6:13 p.m.
Blogger, I get incredibly sidetracked on the Internet. I'm supposed to be searching on emini futures but got sidetracked here somehow and am reading about Bali instead. It's amazing how something that's supposed to take a few minutes ends up taking a few hours because it's so much more interesting reading about Bali than searching on emini futures like I'm supposed to be doing.
Anonymous, at 2:34 p.m.
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