Ready to rock
Training's over and we're ready for Premiere tomorrow night. The finishing touches still have to be put on the catering buffet and other peripherals -- there always seems to be finishing touches to be put on something -- but we're ready to rock.
That's all. It's all good. As we used to say back in my life working as part of a group that did a lot of really bad project management, it's on track, on target, and on budget.
Oh ya, we got the black velvet drapes back today. They look 100% better after being cleaned, but I now realize just how much we need new ones. Stains and rips galore. Oi.
Anyone know a reputable black velvet drape supplier in the San Diego area?
Have you tried the executors of Liberace's estate? ;)
dantallion, at 8:08 a.m.
Dan: that's what I freakin' love about you -- always coming up with the best and the brightest ideas! Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out : )
just call me jeff, at 1:24 p.m.
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