Then vs. now
Three years ago today, I was with some amazing friends as we attended the closing ceremonies of the Gay Games in Sydney. The ceremonies themselves were an absolute yawn a bit dull, but the company was outstanding.
And now, three years later to the day...
- I'm a circus freak, touring Asia-Pacific and living in Hong Kong until December 18
- I'm missing Vancouver terribly
- I'm in the process of booking a holiday in early December to Bangkok and Phuket
- I'm looking forward to the Out Games in July 2006
- I'm suffering from a minor rash inside my left elbow
- I'm craving a normal schedule in my life
- I'm desperate for a stereo so I can play the small collection of CD's that I have with me on tour
- I'm richer for having met some amazing people over the past 3 years
- I'm single
- I'm hooked on Lost, but am still waiting to see the final 2 episodes of the first season (and can't even think about what's already happened in Season #2)
- and I'm really looking forward to touring the US next year
It's absolutely crazy how things have changed. But one thing remains: I still have this stupid uncanny ability to remember fairly meaningless dates.
Are you suggesting that our anniversary, my birthday and Adam's birthday are "fairly meaningless"?! I prefer to be stunned and amazed by your ability to be present at all the important events of your friends' lives. Bravo, my friend!
Anonymous, at 8:56 a.m.
And we're looking forward to hosting your fine presence here in the states as well. Maybe some of us can then meet you in person and buy you a glass (uh, I mean bottle) (egads, I mean, case) of wine. Where and when will you strike down first?
Anonymous, at 9:07 a.m.
Jas: uh, let me rephrase.....I tend to remember plenty of extremely significant dates in addition to all the ridiculously meaningless ones : )
Jeffrey: first stop on the agenda is beautiful San Diego. Can't wait to be back in North American once again!
just call me jeff, at 5:47 p.m.
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