Can I bother you for a hot shower
I didn't go out last night. I didn't prop myself up at the bar and hit awkwardly on HPPG chat with new friends. I didn't do much except have a few drinks at home, enjoy pizza with Lucky and Tower Girl, call Luscious Lorna on the phone, play Name That Tune with Tower Girl and Giggles, and talk an awful lot about everything under the soleil.
I booked a hotel in Indianapolis for next weekend -- a weekend away for two consecutive days! I talked to Luscious Lorna about the fact that I honestly have no idea where I'll be after October 22, or for my 40th birthday in December. It's a bit unsettling, but I know it will all work out. And Luscious Lorna, being on the exact same wavelength as I am nearly all the time, said, "The world is your oyster." Not surprisingly, I had just typed that exact same phrase in the blog entry that I was writing when I called her. Eerie.
With the world as my oyster, I could seriously see myself heading to one of many places -- Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal or Atlanta. I even see myself heading different, more exotic places for other potential opportunities, or just for a chance to get away. Who knows? Time will tell, as it always does. Perhaps I'll be heading to a town near you.
Can I please sleep on your pull-out couch and bother you for a hot shower?!
You're always welcome to our couch and the shower is no bother at all.
Anonymous, at 9:47 a.m.
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