701 miles
Not that I'm competitive or anything......no, not at all. Why, the mere thought of competition makes me crazy to win.
But in a completely non-competitive way, I'm proud that I beat my goal for the day by thundering past Baker City, Oregon and ending up instead in Pendleton. Yup, I'm 95 more miles closer to Vancouver than I had even planned.
The day started out a bit dodgy, as four inches of snow covered my Jeep. No gloves, no snow brush, no winter tools of any sort later....I managed to scrape off and get ready to hit the road. The first hour was a bit treacherous, but I took care and drove safely. Still, seeing a bunch of cars and 18-wheelers off the road made for a bit of a white-knuckle drive until the roads cleared.
But then they cleared and the rest was magic. I hit four states today, and felt good with my total of 701 miles.
Only 418 miles until Fountainhead Friday!
418 miles until you are HOME!!!
By Anonymous, at 10:32 a.m.
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