Bring on the 'phants
So there I am. My head's in the clouds, my chin is held high (on account of my New Year's resolution to improve my posture), and I'm grinning from ear to ear. Woo hoo! Yay me!
And then I step in the biggest pile of sidewalk shit I've ever seen.
What is it with all the Sydneysiders who don't think they need to pick up after their animals?! Fucking self-centred, disrespectful, unaccountable pigs. But was it a gift from an elephant? a hippopotamus? a rhinoceros? Must be, cuz I don't think there's a dog big enough on God's green earth that could leave a steaming pile of shit that big. Real turn-your-stomach kind of stuff!
Guess I better get used to big piles of elephant shit. After all, I'm circus folk now.
This is kinda OT, but why are they called "Sydneysiders"?
I'd think that "Sydneyians" or "Sydites".
I've always wondered why people from Manchester are called Mancunians too.
And let's not even get started about why you people from Canada are called Canadians. HELLO, you arent from CANADIA.
JMG, at 7:42 a.m.
Congrats congrats congrats.
(Not on the shit - on the job)
dantallion, at 1:34 p.m.
Congrats on the job!!
Just tell me you aren't a carnie. Carnies scare me!
Anonymous, at 12:00 a.m.
Perhaps a little off-topic, but we entertain all sorts of off-topic subjects here on Debra's blog.
Manchester -- kinda fucked, ain't it? When I was visiting, I just assumed they were called Manchurians and had to shake my head at when corrected. What the hell is a Mancunian? Oi.
Sydneysiders -- I just don't get what it means. Then again, I don't get a lot of things about this place.
Canadians -- perhaps you can just leave it at "(Fuck a) Canuck." We're too polite to put up much of an argument.
And thanks for your congratulations, Dan and Scott. I don't think I'm a carnie, but I'm a freak -- if that's at all relateable : )
just call me jeff, at 10:03 p.m.
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