"Enjoy a freebie on the house!"
Today was the day I got rid of everything. I put up signs all over the building designed to draw a crowd of both curious tire kickers and committed garage salers alike. I had some folks come by, I sold some stuff, I gave other stuff away. Sure I pocketed some cash, but mostly I just enjoyed giving away stuff to people at a ridiculously low (or no) price. It warms my heart knowing that my crap valuables are going to good homes.
But here’s the part that sucks. Totally sucks! I’ve been in my apartment for more than 6 months, and today was the first time I met each of these people. I think I had a decent turnout because I advertised that there would be some freebies happening, and that tends to bring out the cheapskates bargain hunters like me. But, truth be told, I met some really nice people who were all extremely interested in my plans and seemed genuinely kind and happy to make my acquaintance. Where the fuck have they been hiding for the past 6 months while I’ve endured the irony of apartment-life solitude in an 80-some unit building? Don’t get me wrong, for I like my solitude (hence, I live alone), but it sure would have been nice to have some of these folks around to visit with and chat to once in a while.
Oh well, it’s a moot point now. I’m circus folk now. It’s all about fantasy, foolishness, and freaks from now on.
I hate moving. I told myself I would not move anymore, and here I am thinking about moving again. *sigh*
I'll never learn. People are always around when you do not need them. The moment they hear 'moving' they scatter like cockroaches in the light.
I'll never understand them. But whatever. Cool website you have here nonetheless.
Take care of yourself. :-)
Best Wishes
Anonymous, at 6:12 a.m.
Excuse me. But you are "cirque" folk now. Class it up Missy. You aren't joining the freak show.
Jeffrey Cufaude, at 4:08 p.m.
I live in a highrise with 250 units, and I've made exactly 0 friends I feel I could call on a moment's notice looking for something to do. Population-dense residential buildings SUCK for building social networks.
But I did have some really bad sex once with a guy on the 15th floor He avoids me now.
Jake, at 1:24 p.m.
i've lived in my building for a year and a half and the only person i know is the apartment manager across the hall because he showed me the place.
Anonymous, at 3:25 p.m.
The day that I moved into my house as I was unloading a few things from my car the neighbours from 3 surrounding houses came by to introduce themselves and have a chat.
This past weekend during the Atlanta ice storm as we were all trapped, we congregated at one's house to play board games.
This is the first place that I've lived that I've had that kind of experience but it gives hope.
Unknown, at 6:16 a.m.
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