Sorry I'm lame
Have you ever noticed how many good looking men hang out at internet cafes? I have, and it's because I don't have access to internet where I'm staying right now. As a result, internet cafes have become a regular haunt for me these days.
You find a good one and it's not too bad: reasonable rates, fairly new computers, good keyboards, fast connection, personal workspace. But wander into some other fly-by-night internet cafes and you'll find outrageous fees, outdated equipment, keyboards that stick, marginal connections, and no privacy to surf your favourite sex track and field sites. But there's almost always one thing common to all internet cafes: there's always a hot guy or two. Thank heaven for consistency!
OK, I realize I'm grasping at straws with this posting. It's not too exciting, I know. But I have to admit that right now I'm not really living life large. Sorry I'm lame, but that will change soon.
And then just try and shut me up!
So which type of internet cafe were you at that featured the orange shoes and Marilyn-esque make-up job?
Unknown, at 5:55 a.m.
Well, if you must know. It was one of the better internet cafes, but in a pretty seedy part of Brisbane. And the creature in question wasn't a client, but someone who just walked in off the street to ask questions of the desk staff.
Leave it to Luscious Lorna to remember an obscure reference weeks after the fact. Scary!
But let's not forget that the only reason you remembered the orange fuck-me pumps was because you have a pair yourself!
Now that's one classy broad : )
just call me jeff, at 6:03 p.m.
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