Going, going, gone
(but far from forgotten)

Nebraska Girl (Hong Kong, December/2005)
I love this girl. But I'm starting to get all sappy as I realize that I won't get to see her every day. She's leaving the tour and I'm gonna miss her so much that it makes me all wimpy and weepy every time I think about it.
You know how there are those particular people in your journey along life's highway? You know who I mean -- those people who leave a lasting impression and make you realize that it might actually be easy making friends? The people with whom you have that out-of-the-blue moment and realize that they're pretty darn cool, and that your life will be richer from that point forward? Nebraska Girl is one of those people.
It was cemented with a post-Set Up beer (or several) in Perth with her Gay Boyfriend, the Gringo, Cowboy and me. Her Gay Boyfriend told me he's never been happier in a relationship, we joked about everything under the sun, and we made ridiculous radio talk about how "The dog fell on the house" and other equally drunken interesting things. Damn, that was some funny radio chatter!
Can you imagine that I thought Nebraska Girl didn't like me when I first met her?! Luckily I was wrong, cuz she's awesome, and has been one of the people who has kept me sane over the past six months.
She won't be gone from my life -- of that I'm absolutely certain. Still, she's not going to be there every day. And that will take some getting used to.
I love ya, Nebraksa Girl. Damn, how I want to sing a karaoke duet with you!!
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