A tidbit kind of day
I rarely do this, but I feel like today is a day for random tidbits. So here are some thoughts floating around in my consciousness, suddenly ready to be released to the world for digestion. Please enjoy bear with me:
- I just heard an extended air raid alarm here in Cincinnati. Not sure what it means, but it was damn loud and awfully long. Still, nothing is about to break me away from blogging and coverage of the US Open to investigate.
- There were only 4 buildings in Indianapolis that were visible from the
horizondowntown core. It was a lovely place, and full of beautiful neighbourhoods, gorgeious houses, remarkable architecture, and friendly people. But the downtoen core was not what I would have expected of the 12th largest city in the Yoo Ess of Eh. That's just fine, cuz it's nice to be surprised and feel like you've learned something. - My big toenails are ugly. They've been ugly most of my adult life, and will probably always be. And yet, all I want to wear is flip-flops. If I could work in flip-flops, I'd be a happy man.
- My left lower leg has been hurting ever since Set Up 2-1/2 weeks ago. I'm not sure why, but yesterday was the first time since Set Up that I was able to crouch down to lace up my tent without my knee and lower leg rebelling by sending shooting pains all the way up my leg. Maybe I'm on the mend?
- My brother's dog just died. RIP Preacher.
- Five years ago today, I was in San Francisco to see Madonna in concert with my best friend Suzie. Suzie worked for the official travel agent and ticketing agency that sold and organized packages for her concert tour, so I was the lucky recipient of a free ticket, a gorgeous suite at a 5-star hotel, entry to the VIP Welcome Party, and fun fun fun. That was damn cool.
- It doesn't seem like 9/11 was five years ago next week. Just. Can't. Believe. It.
- Exactly four years ago this week, Suzie and I went to NYC to watch the US Open and to have plenty of fun. It was a riot.
- I don't want to go into work today. But that's not so much a random tidbit as it is a fact of life these days.
- The picture below is one I took in Tiananmen Square when I visited Beijing last December. I was talking to my tour guide to try and get an idea about how the whole 1989 Tiananmen massacre was portrayed by the Chinese media, and she very specifically told me to speak quietly and generally, without referring to specific details. She said that the press portrayed it as a student uprising and that any responsibility was on the students who started the conflict. Very interestingly, she said that in no way was it referred to as a response to Communism, a cry for democracy, or a bid for human rights.

Thank you for enduring my tidbit Tuesday Wednesday. It's been real.
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