I didn't have internet access alllllll weekend long, but that's all sorted out now.
Clearly, I made it to Vancouver. And how freakin' happy am I to be here?! I'll give you all additional news a bit later, but first I have to send some e-mails, organize a West End parking permit, get ready for a job interview, look into some other job possibilities, and get out and enoy the gorgeous weather.
Oh ya, and I have a new Vancouver cell number, for all of you who want to drunk dial call me. It's even the good ol' 604 area code as opposed to that unruly new kid on the block, 778. Drop me a line or leave me a note in the Comments section if you want my number.
Chat soon!
Hello my love,
I have no idea about this blog thing so I hope I am doing it right. I am so happy to hear that your trip went well and you are back in your land. I am in Vegas and I am really not sure what to do with my time right now. Need some drinking partners!!! We are going to start house hunting today which makes me happy and also freaks me also.
Love you and miss you.
Anonymous, at 11:48 a.m.
Oh yeah, I will take your number if you are offering.
Anonymous, at 11:50 a.m.
Well, I've been stalking your blog waiting for updates and had come to the conclusion that Fountainhead Friday had become Fountainhead weekend! Stories please.
And your number.
Unknown, at 11:55 a.m.
Ladybug: yippee!!!! You made it to Vegas as well as into the comment section of my blog! I'm so stoked for you and Monkey Boy on the house hunting adventure, but miss you terribly. Still, I'll have someone to visit in Vegas!!!!! Keep me posted on your progress, my dearest! I'll send you a text with my number, babe.
Luscious: remarkably, Fountainhead Friday was over by 11:30PM and I didn't go out again at all the entire weekend. But what a glorious weekend to be home! So stoked that I get to come see you in a few short weeks : ) And then it'll be your turn to come and visit me here!!
just call me jeff, at 12:18 p.m.
glad to see you made it safe and sound. us too - much shorter drive and no snow. it's pretty darn cold though, and my gay boyfriend is whinging (ok. right. how would you spell it?) about his toes being cold. it's 32 degrees right now. do you think he'll make it? :o)
miss you heaps, send me your digits.
miss nebraska
Anonymous, at 10:36 a.m.
Miss Nebraska: yippee! You're reading the blog, too. Well, if this world ain't gettin' better by the minute!!!
The digits are on their way, babe!
just call me jeff, at 4:08 p.m.
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