Let it snow, let is snow, let it snow

OK, I had to briefly interrupt my hiatus to post a picture of another snowy day in Vancouver. It might normally snow once, maybe twice, a year in Vancouver. The snow stays for about 18 hours and then flees like snowbirds to Florida.
This Winter, however, we've seen a few snowfalls already. In fact, if you're Canadian and don't live under a rock follow the news, you'll know that the coverage of the West Coast's November storms was picked as the top news story of 2006 by a number of news outlets.
And here is the latest proof. After last month's windstorm that caused such widespread damage to Stanley Park, we had a big ol' follow-up that dealt a further blow to the old-growth forest in the park. So much damage to so many trees!
But on the bright side, things eventually calmed down and we were left with this beautiful blanket of snow overnight. Please enjoy a portion of the magnificent view from my skypad.
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