The gal can party!
Monday was a tough day, I'll tell ya. After enjoying a fabulous party on Sunday night, I had to get up early to drive my Aunt to the doctor's office, and then to get her prescription filled. Four hours later, I was operating on fumes. Oy, how I earned my nephew points that day!
But the previous evening's festivities were well worth it. A terrific venue, plenty of friends from in and out of town, walls plastered (kinda like me) with the most embarrassing pictures of my youth, and a great time had by all. And there was even a surprise appearance by a very special guest from New York!
Yup, Liza showed up to help usher me into my 40's! And unlike the last time I saw her, she was plastered and stumbling drunk. The gal can party!
Still, someone trusted Liza enough to hold their 7-month old. That baby is gonna be scarred for life!
And then it was Liza's turn to pay attention to me. And did she ever! It all ended up with Liza sitting on my lap, using my legs in an impromptu can-can to end all can-cans!
What a great evening -- one that continued until the wee hours of the morning for the hearty few of us who lasted until the end. A great way to usher in a new decade, but with none of the wisdom and maturity that I had promised would be a hallmark of this new era of middle age.
Oh well, you can't always be wise and mature when the cocktails are appearing unannounced in your hands throughout the course of the entire evening! Bottoms up, everyone!
Well, at least ONE of the Remingtons finally made it into your blog! Glad the pics turned out so well...even happier that we made it home before the windstorm Chicken Little!
Later Days~
Anonymous, at 7:23 p.m.
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