life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

He's back!

Forgive me for doing mental high-fives and walking around with this goofy grin on my face.

One of my heroes has returned from far too long in seclusion a brief hiatus. In fact, imagine my fragile emotional state when I checked a long-neglected bookmark and found that his blog had sprung back to larger than life. I kid you not when I say that I got a tear in my eye and the feeling that a long-lost friend had returned to surprise me, and only me, with the best gift imaginable.

I'm insanely happy (to the point of tears). And I bet my friends Paula and Header are, too. Even if they think it's me who should be with him instead of his boyfriend. Sure, I sometimes wish I was the lucky guy hanging out with Dan, but -- and I mean this in all sincerity, folks -- as long as Dan's happy, I'm happy.

Heck, I'm just thrilled that my friend-that-I've-never-actually-met is back writing. It makes being away from Canada that much more bearable.


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