He's back!
Forgive me for doing mental high-fives and walking around with this goofy grin on my face.
One of my heroes has returned from far too long in seclusion a brief hiatus. In fact, imagine my fragile emotional state when I checked a long-neglected bookmark and found that his blog had sprung back to larger than life. I kid you not when I say that I got a tear in my eye and the feeling that a long-lost friend had returned to surprise me, and only me, with the best gift imaginable.
I'm insanely happy (to the point of tears). And I bet my friends Paula and Header are, too. Even if they think it's me who should be with him instead of his boyfriend. Sure, I sometimes wish I was the lucky guy hanging out with Dan, but -- and I mean this in all sincerity, folks -- as long as Dan's happy, I'm happy.
Heck, I'm just thrilled that my friend-that-I've-never-actually-met is back writing. It makes being away from Canada that much more bearable.
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