life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The first weekend over

The first weekend of shows is over. I'm tired, but satisfied. And now I need to rest and relax.

Premiere night on Friday went well, with plenty of pseudo-celebrities (apparently, cuz I didn't recognize any of 'em) in my lounge. We were ready for 'em, and didn't disappoint. The post-Premiere party was fun, too. I wore my big Canadian flag as a cape, prompting much favourable response from the gathered masses, both circus freaks and special invitees alike.

Diver Boy and Tape Girl came to the party with me, and it was great having them there to celebrate Canada Day, particularly after the raucous time Diver Boy and I had on Canada Day last year in North Sydney. Yup, Canada Day two years in a row in Australia with Diver Boy -- who wouldda thunk?!

My right-hand gal at work, Nurse Girl, heads out on holidays tomorrow. That means I'll be working solo for the next 2+ weeks. That's why I'm reallllly looking forward to having tomorrow off! Sales are going extremely well here in Perth, so we're pretty stoked about that. But it's sure gonna be busy without Nurse Girl. Oh well, no worries, mate.


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