A plethora of pleasant people
in pretty and pleasing Perth

Me and the happy couple: October 2002
This picture was taken a lifetime ago nearly three years ago now, a little more than a year after Diver Boy and Tape Girl met. I helped facilitate their getting together, and was one of the first people to whom Diver Boy showed the engagement ring that he bought her. They're such a very cool couple and are really great partners.

A guest at the wedding: April 2005
The only other time I'd been to Perth before coming here with the circus was a few months ago, when I was lucky enough to jet over here to attend the long-awaited nuptials of Diver Boy and Tape Girl. This picture shows the first time I had a chance to talk to Tape Girl at the event, and I'm sure I'm saying something like, "OMG, Tape Girl! You guys finally did it!"

So many cool Canadians: April 2005
There were only a handful of Canadians at the wedding, but Amazon Girl (pictured on the right) and her husband were two of them. What can I say about AG? She's this absolutely gorgeous, intelligent, funny, inspiring, down-to-earth, model-type who towers to about 6'0" -- the kind of person who makes you just need to be around her. I've only met AG and her hubby a couple of times, but they -- like Diver Boy and Tape Girl -- are the kind of people that others flock to. AG, her husband, Diver Boy and Tape Girl are all folks who you meet and just think, "Wow! How cool are they!"
I've been in Perth a few days now, but haven't had a chance to catch up with the still-newlywed couple. We've exchanged a few voicemail messages, but I'm sure we'll hook up one day soon. And we'll talk about the past, the present, and the future. We'll talk about Suzie and the Embezzler, we'll talk about Drunk Jen and the Brit, we'll talk about Support Services Girl and the Pilot. It's all good, and I can't wait!
You're the right kind of pretty to make for some darned good pleasant. Just the right amount of scruffiness. Yum.
Anonymous, at 9:07 a.m.
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