life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Excruciating farts

I think my ISP has gone out of business. I can reach their dial-up server, but keep getting an authentication failure. And when I call the Support number, there's no answer at all. Normally they have 24/7 coverage....

So I'm at an internet cafe, and someone keeps letting out these excrutiating farts. Excrutiating, I tell you!

I've been staying up late to watch the World Championships on TV, but not tonight. I'm in desperate need of sleep to get ready for Tear Down Madness over the next few days. Tear Down Fitness Plan, here I come!

As of Monday afternoon, I'll officially be on holidays. A couple of quick days in Sydney to take care of my belongings and have a quick dinner with some friends (including the Birthday Girl, Number One), and then off to Vancouver. Unfortunately, I have a less-than-stellar routing: arriving in Hong Kong at 5AM for a 6-hour layover before heading to Vancouver via Taipei. But the end result will see me in beautiful Vancouver. Yay!

Posting will be fairly sporadic in the next few days, particularly if my ISP has given up the ghost. But I know your thoughts will be with me as I head to Vangroovy. I'll be in touch again when I'm on Western Canadian soil.

Peace out non-circus freaks. I now have to leave to escape the smell.


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