Seven days
Friday night, I did end up getting showered and going out for a multitude of few drinks. I joined someone from my division, plus two other people I didn't really know well at all. It was nice to meet new people and feel comfortable starting to stretch my social muscles a little bit.
And Saturday morning I still had the gumption to get up and go for a one-hour run. Yay me! Saw more kangaroos and felt pretty good afterwards. The achilles injury seems under control (knock wood) and I feel like I might actually be getting back on the path to fitness. Slowly.
Saturday night Diver Boy and Tape Girl came to see the circus, and I got to show them some of what we do. It's nice to have that opportunity with people you like. Plus, we're gonna try and get together one last time this week for the last time in what will probably be a dog's age. Despite the fact that they'll likely be in Vancouver at New Year's when I also expect to be there, who knows if we'll end up catching up.
Today, I've got tons of work ahead of me. Plus it's a two-show day, which means I likely -- sorry, definitely -- won't get it all done. No worries, cuz it will somehow, miraculously find a way of gettin' done somehow, some way before we leave this city in (gulp) a week. What?! We leave in a week?! Oh dear, that means that Tear Down is only seven days away.
But before even that happens, I have several days of World Track and Field Championships to obsess over. There's plenty of TV coverage planned, but it's all late night viewing (like between midnight and 5AM). Coincidentally, this may also be the week that I actually start drinking coffee : )
Do start drinking coffee. You lack enough vices in your life :)
Anonymous, at 5:12 a.m.
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