Marty's back
I had a great day at work today. Now that the pressure of Set Up, Premiere, and opening weekend are behind us, today was a breeze. I worked a normal amount of hours and had a nice one-show day that helped me get caught up on some of my outstanding administrative work. There's still a lot more that I need to do before I'm completely out of the woods, but I'm making progress.
And I saw the last few games of the Clijsters v. Hingis QF match at the Aussie Open. Man, I wish I had seen the first 2-1/2 sets. I'm glad Kimmie won, but I gotta hand it to Marty. She's definitely back. I'm not a big fan -- the whole serving-underhand and then not-initially-appearing-for-the-trophy-presentation after she lost the French final to Steffi in 1999 still irks me -- but I'm impressed that she had the guts to come back. She's still one of the craftiest on the court and, as they say, it's good for the game.
Guess what?! Another day off tomorrow! I have to go get my US Social Security number, and then I think I'm gonna be a lazy bum figure it out from there.
Y'all have a great Wednesday. And if you're reading this in Australia, have a great Australia Day!
Oh the fun you'll have at the Social Security Office. I spent 4.5 hours there yesterday! My favourite line from the day (overheard in the seats in front of me). "Oh girl! I've been praying for the lord to teach me crochet."
The humanity!
Anonymous, at 6:10 a.m.
or a great Canada day, no?
dantallion, at 9:04 a.m.
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