Just over two weeks
It seems like work life has just started to get to normal pitch this week. Yet, we're outta here in just over two weeks time. How can this be?!
When I joined the circus, people started warning me that time would be measured in cities instead of in weeks or months. Indeed!! When I think of an event from the past year, I usually picture the physical location in which it occurred ("Hmmmm, that was that really lame bar that didn't let us in cuz we were too casually dressed..."), then reference the city ("Oh ya, it was right beside our apartments on that street with the liquor store, so it must have been Perth..."), and then try to isolate the calendar timeframe ("....which means it was either in July or August..."). And it's not just me -- it's every freakin' one of us in this circle of circus freaks who do this. It's a hazard of the job.
But how can it be that we're already thinking about Tear Down in Long Beach (and Set Up in Ottawa) when we just got here? When I'm still struggling with my temp staff on how the tent needs to be laced at the end of the night? When I just last night sampled the chocolate fountain (yes!!! we have a chocolate fountain!!) for the first time? When I'm just feeling like we're caught up? I have no idea.
I'm scared. Just hold me, please.
Ooohh...chocolate fountain...Chantal's gonna luuv that!
Anonymous, at 12:36 p.m.
Jas: unfortunately, we have a slight problem. Our current caterer won't be in the picture in Ottawa. We're mandated to use Lansdowne's in-house caterer as per our signed site contract. And somehow.....I don't think they'll have a chocolate fountain : (
Maybe you could come and visit me again in, say, Cincinnati? St. Louis? Maybe Nashville?
just call me jeff, at 11:55 p.m.
what a drag...("that's such a nice jacket" - Blackcomb training flashback!).
Hmmm...Cincinnati is closest, and we have friends in Lexington...when are you there?
BTW, I just got back from Vancouver after spending a week there (business + pleasure) and the weekend in Whistler (just pleasure). Cherry blossoms blooming in Van and winter snow at the Peak. Damn I miss the west coast.
Anonymous, at 7:55 a.m.
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