Room with a view
I got the call. You know....the call.
I was informed that I didn't get the job I interviewed for. The HR lady who called me told me that the Director said it was lovely to meet me, that I had a very interesting resume, blah blah blah, but that there were other, more qualified candidates that they were recommending to be short-listed.
Ya, no worries. If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. I am, however, wondering if I'm still in the running for the other position that the Director suggested I may be suitable for. I suppose I'll wait and see if I get a call for that job. And I'm still waiting to see if there are any developments on another opportunity for which someone is still working on my behalf.
I'm not all that concerned about rushing into something immediately, so I just have to get over the feeling that I need to get my entire life in order within a few days of returning home. Still, the most important piece has been inserted into the puzzle as of yesterday afternoon: I rented myself a cute 'n cozy little apartment in the sky!
It's on the 18th floor with plenty of windows and a balcony view of English Bay, North Shore Mountains, Stanley Park, and the community West of Denman. Can you just stand it?!
It's mine as of December, so now the countdown is on to be in my own place again. Now if only Tower Girl would come and visit so it could be just like old times with plenty of drunken, slurring cherry vodka moments!
Check out pics of the beach and the entire West End, plus approximate pics of my views here here and here. Heck, why not check out a whole freakin' page of great pics here. You can even see my new building -- the third from the right in this picture and second from the left in this one.
Ahhhh, I think I'm going to be happy there!
Hallo Gal!!! It's me Tower Girl! Such a pretty new place you have and I can't wait to visit you. Not exactly sure how I would or could visit you at the current moment, however it's in my dreams. Perhaps I'll buy that lottery ticket.... so far my only chance. Too bad about the job Jeff... but as you said what's meant to be will be. Toronto is cold today with flurries. Was at my nephews 2nd birthday tonight - he's a little chatter box now. No news for me on the job front - emailed Jonathan and he said to expect our ROE soon -they claim to be mailing it next thurs or friday so looking forward to applying for EI!!! Take care gal... talkw ith you soon xoxoxox
Anonymous, at 8:40 p.m.
Tower Girl: oh gal, you can be sure that there will be some cherry vodka (even if I have to import it illegally) waiting for you in my skypad whenever you visit. Keep me posted on the job news!
just call me jeff, at 7:53 a.m.
Oh you gals, living large in Vancouver and Toronto, while I shovel snow in Toon town... ok well I'm off to Vegas for 2 weeks on Tuesday.
Jeff: your buildings and view make me jealous.
I will keep my eyes out for cute shirtless boys in Vegas.
Anonymous, at 9:31 a.m.
Chris: thank you for your first comment on the blog! Sorry for your (mis)adventures in Toon town, but I'm sure Vegas will make up for it in a big way. Please do line up the cute shirtless boys for me, and I'll arrange to come down there for an in-person inspection!!
just call me jeff, at 6:44 p.m.
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