life is large. why insist on living small?
live large. expand into the space. realize your potential. follow your dreams.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

The rainbow Regina connection

Two people who are very important in my life just happen to be from Regina. When Paula and Little Bub met in 1999 at my birthday skating party (a great theme for a birthday party, BTW), they even knew some people in common. Being roughly the same age and being from, well, Regina (current temperature of -32.9C -- I kid you not!!) I suppose there's not much to do in Winter but go to house parties, tap kegs, and meet others who enjoy such shenanigans.

I was nervous about sharing my silly blog with each of them, and for similar reasons:

  • they both make a living by writing, even though Paula's handwriting is, to be generous, difficult to decipher at times : )
  • they're both damn smart people
  • Little Bub was the person who first educated me about the world of blogging and was encouraging when I expressed interest in starting one; Paula was incredibly encouraging when I shared with him (yes, Paula's a "he") the fact that I had become a blogger (his words, if I recall, were "can't wait! bring on the blog!" or somethin' like dat)
  • they both provide very considered and thoughtful feedback and have been valuable resources to me over the years, even when I've just needed to bounce ideas off 'em
  • as noted above, they're both very special friends

I've shared this forum with both of them now, and their feedback has been awesome. In fact, as a bit of self-promotion, I included some comments in the brand new section titled what people are saying (see the bottom right-hand corner of the sidebar). Guys, if either of you are still reading (assuming I haven't scared you off just yet), thanks for the feedback. Love ya heaps!


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