Monday, December 19, 2005. A milestone for life is large. why insist on living small
10,000 hits!
Thanks to each person who has no life been a faithful reader over the past year-plus. I'd be inclined to ask each regular to leave a quick comment on this most ausicious occasion, but I fear that there just wouldn't be too many : )
Nevertheless, new stories and experiences are on the way. Keep reading. I'll keep writing. It's all good.
And speaking of 10,000, I feel like I've downloaded that many CD's onto my new laptop. It's nice to have music again. Even if it is cheesy 14-year-old schoolgirl stuff.
Well I do have a life - how could I not living at shame junction, but I do adore you and your blogs. As you know it is a little slice o'fun I enjoy on a very frequent basis.
Miss H
Anonymous, at 5:08 p.m.
I feel like checking your blog is like an addiction! The link is always there - teasing me on my list of favorites. Decided checking your blog is like having a goldfish. Great to hear about your travels - missing you at trivia in Sydney. Cheers, mandy
Anonymous, at 12:41 a.m.
I've loved it every time I've visited.
Unknown, at 11:23 a.m.
To all of you in Shame Junction, Mosman, West Hollywood, and Atlanta, I salute each and every one of you. Thanks for the comments on this most momentous of occasions!
And Mandy, it's absolutely great to hear from ya!!
just call me jeff, at 5:38 a.m.
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