And I got a free toaster oven phone!
I was just thinking yesterday, "Jeepers, I kinda feel like I'm back to some semblance of normal living again."
I was driving my own car to work. I was in a good mood after having the previous day off work. I have vowed to get back to better eating habits. I'm determined to get back into some sort of fitness routine.
And I got myself on a cell phone plan.
One of the things that has frustrated me over the past several months is that I've basically had to switch cell phone numbers for each of the past few new cities we've been in. And I figured it was going to be the same over the course of this year in the US, so I had resigned myself to going with a new pre-pay SIM card (with a new phone number) in each new city.
But I was convinced by the cute sales boy otherwise, and I now have a number that I plan on keeping with me for the next 12 months. It gives me free long distance calling anywhere in the US, it gives me so many minutes of talk every month that only a teenage girl could use them all. It gives me 5 cent text messaging. It gives me all sorts of benefits. And they gave me a free phone! And it's even got a camera to take into the men's changing room at the gym. Even if the rest of the world has been enjoying camera phone technology for the eons, it's suddenly become very new and exciting for me.
So here's a little test for all of my faithful readers. If you can break the following code, you'll know my new cell number and can contact me night and day with drunken phone calls detailing your debaucherous activities. Ready? Here goes:
- first number: the number of kids in my family, including me, multiplied by two
- second number: the number of letters in the first name of my roommate in Vancouver
- third number: the number of letters in the name of the ski resort I lived in for 6+ years
- fourth number: the number of triathlons I've completed
- fifth number: the number of marathons I've completed
- sixth number: the number of letters in the abbreviated form of my middle name
- seventh number: the number of cars I've owned in my life
- eighth number: the number of different apartments that I rented during my years living in the ski resort
- ninth number: the number of Olympic gold medals won by Canada in ice hockey (a number that will hopefully rise in a few weeks' time)
- tenth number: the number of times I've gone skydiving
I can think of a few people who may be able to decipher most of this Da Vinci-esque code -- the first three shouldn't be too difficult, for instance -- but even Luscious Lorna may have to dig very deep on this one. But I know that you, my dear readers, are up for a challenge. Have fun and happy code cracking!
But, please, if you've figured out what my phone number is, don't post it in a comment for all seven readers the world to see! Just e-mail me to confirm.
PS: If you're a friend and not a stalker or serial killer and would really just prefer that I gave you my phone number, please e-mail me as well. And take this as a cue that you clearly need to learn a bit more about my skydiving adventures, marathon/triathlon exploits, and apartment-renting stories : )
PPS: and if you're not a friend, but still want to make drunken phone calls detailing your debaucherous activities, I'll consider giving you the number as well. But only if you're cute and send a naked picture first.
ARRRGHH! You're killing me! I wish I hadn't read this until work was over because I'm going to get fired for working on this instead of my project. But... I can't help myself, I must solve it!
Unknown, at 11:35 a.m.
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Unknown, at 12:04 p.m.
Victory is mine! I just got off the phone with Debra!
Unknown, at 12:09 p.m.
Yup, it's true, folks. We have a winner! What a surprise getting a call from her and actually have her yell into my ear, "I won!! I won!!"
Well done, Luscious Lorna!
just call me jeff, at 12:02 a.m.
I need it. I need it bad.
Give it up buttercup!
Anonymous, at 5:26 p.m.
Header: I gave it up, sugar. Check your e-mail.
just call me jeff, at 8:55 a.m.
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