Life is large
I saw Brokeback Mountain the other day. It made me think a lot about what things were like back in the '60's for men who couldn't be who they wanted to be. I'm so damn lucky to have options that they didn't have -- options to live the life I want to live. I'm lucky to have the chance to live large. They didn't. And I don't take my blessings for granted.
And now I'm talking about repressed people everywhere. People who live under dictatorships, who live in poverty, who live in areas devastated by distasters. People who don't have access to education, food, or aid of any sort. The people who ask for money and food on the streets of my neighbourhood. The people who sleep in the parks in my neighbourhood. The people who sell themselves in my neighbourhood, just to survive. The people who suffer from addictions in my neighbourhood, without the strength to help themselves.
Mankind has come a long way, but there's still so far to go. May 2006 be kind to the destitude, the suffering, and the defeated.
I've never been luckier in my entire life. And I thank God for that.
Nice new photo - what is that you're licking?!
Anonymous, at 5:21 a.m.
Jas: I'm licking a bowl of Mongolian grill BBQ from my birthday dinner in Hong Kong. Looks appetizing, doesn't it?!
just call me jeff, at 8:05 p.m.
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