As cheesy as it is, I like to listen to the Michael Buble song Home and think about Vancouver. I listened to it last night as I took a plane, then waited in an airport for 2 hours, then took another plane. All in anticipation of making my way back to The 'Couv, my very own temporary refuge from the road home.
After an unexpected episode that saw Air Canada change my flight time -- moving up the departure time by an hour and a half, no less!! -- I flew into action, contacting their call centre and trying to figure out how the hell I could be rerouted home that same night. After much hemming and hawing, it all came together.
I caught a flight to Toronto then waited 2 hours for my connecting flight to The 'Couv. I eventually arrived home several hours later than originally expected, but at least I made it safe and sound. And at this point, that's really all that matters.
Now the real work begins: trying to figure out what to do for NYE!! Oh, the drama.
And on a completely unrelated topic, Tori Spelling is engaged again. This time to a Canadian actor she met in Ottawa last Summer while filming her latest made-for-TV abomination movie. It seems they were each married when they first met, but true love helped them see the light and realize that they're made for a six month engagement, followed by a bitter tabloid frenzied breakup each other. Best of luck to the happy couple.
Maybe she misses the drama of Donna Martin's life and is trying to recreate it in her own.
Good luck with the NYE plans. I'll be on a 70 mile trek with the team in the Foothills of SC.
Unknown, at 10:27 a.m.
Happy New Year. I'll be spending a quiet one in NYC. Looking forward to seeing you in 2006!
Anonymous, at 11:58 a.m.
Ladies: Happy New Year to both of you! While I won't be doing anything epic like a 70 mile trek, I plan on doing some heavy duty drinking to give myself some sort of workout.
Can't wait to see you both in the near future!!
just call me jeff, at 8:37 p.m.
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