Big Ol' Road Trip 2006 -- Phase II
Today sees me setting off on the second phase of my Big Ol' Road Trip 2006. I'm heading towards Atlanta to visit Luscious Lorna, then up to Ottawa, our next, and only Canadian, stop on tour. The itinerary is somewhat loose, with only two dates that I'm working around: (1) on April 30, Luscious and I need to be in St. Augustine, Florida for a triathlon that we're she's competing in; (2) on May 6, I need to be in Ottawa for a sibling night out with my brother and sister. Other than those two dates, I'm as free as a bird to get to my destinations when I want to.
So here are the known (well, planned, anyway) stops on the preliminary itinerary:
- Palm Springs to meet with Lucky and The Hire Guy for a day or two, before they head to Costa Rica
- Grand Canyon, just cuz I'll pretty much be in the area and I've never seen that behemoth of a natural wonder
- Austin, Texas for a couple of days, to drink margs with my friend Caro and her hubby, and to see my cousin's brand new (born April 5) baby boy
How I get from one planned stop to the other is a little less definite as of now. From the Grand Canyon to Austin, for instance, I'm not sure which way I'll go, but it doesn't matter. It will all work out. From Austin to Atlanta, the only semi-planned stop I have is New Orleans, cuz I'd like to take a look at what things are lookin' like there. And then, of course, Atlanta will be the pit stop for the end of Part A of Phase II of the Big Ol' Road Trip 2006. I haven't seen Luscious' new house yet -- nor have I seen Luscious herself since November 2003 -- so that will be a very welcome respite. We'll head to Florida together for the triathlon, as she's offered to drive.
Heading North for Part B of Phase II of the Big Ol' Road Trip 2006, I'm thinkin' the itinerary looks something like this:
- Raleigh, NC to check out one of the tour stops later this year
- Washington, DC -- just cuz I like the place
- possibly do the DC --> Ottawa portion in one day, or possibly stop somewhere along the New York to visit my friend P!
The permutations and combinations are endless. And time will tell all. What I know is that it's gonna be fun, and I'll see a bunch of places I've never seen before. Wish me luck!
Destinations: points East!
sweeeeeeet! And so you's freakin' HOT here right now. Yesterday afternoon it was 37 C.
Anonymous, at 10:15 a.m.
I can hardly wait! Yikes November 20031 I credit the blog for making it not seem nearly that long.
Unknown, at 1:02 p.m.
So, are you bailing on the tri?!...If you need more training time you could always come to Barry's Bay for the Polish-Canadian Triathlon Championships on July 2! And while that sounds like such an Eva thing (Polish Triathlon = drinking, eating, drinking some more!), it's actually a pretty good event (750m swim, 32K bike, 8K run).
Anonymous, at 6:59 a.m.
Wow, the polish tri sounds awesome. What a great Canada Day weekend that will make! I wish I could be there, unfortunatley I'll be in Day 8 of Primal Quest. Maybe next year.
Unknown, at 5:55 a.m.
Yeah, good luck with Primal Quest, Lorna - that's so far outside of what I see myself ever doing that I bow down at your (stinky) feet. I am doing an 8-hour 'Quest for a Cure' event on June 25 near Ottawa (there are also 24- and 48-hr events the same weekend), but that's as extreme as I see myself going. Although I have been thinking about Ironman...(it's just that I'd have to train for one of those!).
We'd love to see you (& Jiff) up here for the Polish tri!
Anonymous, at 6:36 a.m.
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