The Day I Swallowed all of Hollywood

That town will never be the same again (Jan/06)
And now it's onwards and upwards....well, if you can call Ozona, Texas onwards and upwards. That's where I am tonight as I make my way towards Austin. Population 3436, Ozona's major claim to fame appears to be....well, nothing. Not that I can see from its website, anyway.
No matter, cuz I'm only here at the Ozona Best Western to sleep. I made lots of miles today and will get to Austin fairly early in the day tomorrow, which was my goal as I left Albuquerque this morning.
And after talking to Luscious Lorna this afternoon, I think we'll find an opportunity or two to take a bite out of Hollywood Atlanta next week. Although she tells me she doesn't drink anymore. Oh well, I'm happy to drink enough for the both of us!
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