
Ladybug and me (Hong Kong, Dec/05)
I absolutely love this pic of Ladybug and me. We have this funny connection, she and I. I love her energy and sense of humour, her love of life and (of course) her sarcasm.
This particular picture was taken during our very unusual Tear Down in Hong Kong -- instead of doing everything in one night, we did most of the work on the Saturday night (we weren't allowed to work past midnight on account of the noise bylaws) and just had to load the sea containers on the Sunday morning. Ladybug and I got paired up for Sunday, and it was plenty o' fun.
We work well together and had a blast as we efficiently and effortlessly got everything ready for transport to San Diego. I was singing Culture Club songs after I took a fall ("I'll tumble for ya, I'll tumble for ya, I'll tumble for ya, I'll tumble for youuuuu...."), Ladybug was being all macho and directing me like the bitch I am, and we did our work with a sense of fun and frolic. Apparently, I got someone to take a picture with my then-new camera. I don't remember that, but here's the pic, saved for posterity.
Ladybug is great. I just got home from going out for a few drinks with a few work folks, Ladybug including. She never fails to make me laugh, and laughter is the preferred currency of my life.
We're fun together. And she likes to drink, which is important in any friendship.
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