Premiere, Part 1
So there I am. It's 6:00 am on Thursday morning -- Premiere day -- and I'm on my way to Homo Home Depot to get a Jeep-load of stuff to finish off my suite. I make a wee detour to Mom and Dad's to take out my back seat and leave it on their front doorstep with a note saying, "Sorry I missed you this morning. Please take care of my backseat until I come over next time!"
I head to Home Depot. I buy. I transport. I work work work. I take 10 minutes for lunch. I work work work. I stress, I sweat, I plot, I panic, I plan and replan, I work work work. I seek assistance from the senior catering crew, who are realllly nice and willing to help. (God, how I love the caterers here!!!)
I climb ladders, I realize a projector is busted, I try to get a replacement bulb. I can't, so I move onto the next crisis. I put the finishing touches on the suite. I arrange my terrace with plants, flowers, and new terrace furniture. I make pretty red bows with my red silk organza from Shenzhen, China. I start to determine which of the million things I can't get done will have the least impact on the overall experience in the suite if it's left for the next day. And, based on that lesser-of-a-million-evils, I start crossing things off the to-do list.
I greet my deer-in-the-headlights, but really enthusiastic staff. I prepare them for what's ahead, I explain that a Premiere crowd is not your typical crowd, I explain how things will be chaotic, I give them jobs to do before opening. And I realize that they're AWESOME!
And I continue with my finishing touches. I work work work. I rearrange plans on account of the epic rainfall that's happening outside. I pray that it stops, but expect that it won't. I wish I had no holes in my tent, but realize that it's just a pipedream. I meet the temporary catering staff and give them a bit of a pep talk. I think naughty thoughts about a few of the nice young men. I tell them we're happy to have them on our team and blah blah blan.
And at 10 minutes before we open, I look down at myself and shudder. I'm still wearing my grub clothes. My hands are blackened and disgusting. I'm sweating like a pig. My hair is a mess. And I need to do something about it.
Like NOW! After all, it's not every day that we host people like this in the VIP suite!
To be continued...
Waiting and waiting and waiting for part II
Anonymous, at 9:30 p.m.
Ah, but patience is a virtue : )
just call me jeff, at 5:20 a.m.
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